Lovely Green Basket

The creative process, and things that I dig.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Making stuff & travel

Wow. It's been a while, huh? Anyway, lots of things in the proverbial cauldron: calico puppy progressing strangely, Vanda's doll still on the back-burner, started a sewing machine cozy, got some fabric to make a top and skirt (I'll see what I can do sans pattern), knitting a shawl-collared cardigan from the fall issue of Vogue Knitting magazine:

Kinda cute, huh? I'm knitting it in a deep, military green, worsted weight yarn, so my cardigan won't be textured like the one in the picture, but the colour is nice and rich. I think I might have chosen the wrong size to knit, though. Mine is looking kind of big... although it is supposed to be sort of a loose-fitting garment, according to the instructions, anyway. Ah well, we shall see.

Went to Montréal this past week-end. Very nice change of pace from Ottawa. So urban, laid-back; artistic and cultural venues everywhere. I could totally see myself living there for a while, although there is virtually no green space, and it seems as though biking in Montréal would be a bit more treacherous than it is biking in Ottawa, plus the BF, who lived there a few years ago, doesn't think he could live there again. The search continues.


At 4/25/2006 6:33 a.m., Blogger Andrea Martell said...

That's a really cute sweater. I like it.


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