First post (how's that for an original entry title!)
Well, I'm so thrilled to finally have one of these things.
First, an intro...
My name is Juliana Del Rio, I live in Ottawa, Canada with a super-sweet boyfriend who is very tolerant of my insatiable need to create. I'm a bit of a slacker, so my creativity tends to come in bursts and I bide my wee time sewing, knitting, crocheting, singing (loudly), playing guitar (poorly), beading, cooking, drawing (I'm currenctly obsessed with crayons... don't ask), doll-making, and loving my brand new Creative MP3 Player.
Not surprisingly, I of course have a day-job. Being a permanent temp, I'm currently working for the Public Health Agency of Canada as a senior clerk, and will be doing this until about mid-August. My long-term goal, however, is to run a successful creative business that will merge all of my passions.
Since this is going to be a crafty blog, and not a sucking up to manufacturers of MP3 players blog, I'd like to show you some of the stuff I do. Or, rather, one of the things that I do. It's 10:45pm (ie, past my bed-time), and being anything but a morning person, I'll make this entry a shortish one.
Here is a little shoulder-bag that I whipped up on my machine. The design is by one of the many wonderful folks at Enter "rounder roomy bag" and you'll find a super-nifty tutorial so that you, too can make a bag of your very own. Or you can buy this bag from me at my Etsy shop (a plug is not a plug unless it is a shameless one).
Anyway, thanks for indulging me. I'm really happy to have this space, and do visit often!!
Love, Juliana
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