Lovely Green Basket

The creative process, and things that I dig.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Fridays and projections

Yippie. Friday.

Lately, I've been in a bit of a creative slump, which is kind of annoying seeing as I have about nine dozen projects in various stages of completion (a slight exaggeration, but only slight!).

I've moved on to designing my own dolls, rather than interpreting other designers' patterns. It's been several weeks since I've worked on her, but here's a sort of bohemian-esqe dolly that is nearly complete. Excuse the quality of the pic. I didn't get the focus quite right, so I sharpened up her features using Photoshop
Although this dolly is an original creation, her construction is very similar to the classic Rageddy Ann doll construction. I'm not terribly thrilled with her apron top: the skirt is far too clingy, but I am so digging the blouse I made her: it's just a very simple peasant-style blouse (easy to draft out), and the print was designed and printed by moi. I call this pattern "gentle anarchy" and I made it while attending an awesome silk-screening workshop that I took last summer in Toronto. The workshop was held by Kingi, the fabulous proprietress of Peach Berserk, and her wonderful staff. If you've never checked out the site or the shop, you must, must, must. Oh-so inspiring!

Another one of my hobbies is prettying up my old doll collection. I attribute my new-found love of dolls to my former roommate Anne. I recall her reminiscing about her Sindy doll, and I had an epiphany of sorts. I remembered that as a child, some of the happiest moments of my life were quiet times playing in my room with my Sindys, so I started researching on the `net; I became really interested in doll making, which is what prompted me to learn how to sew. Here is a group shot of some of the girls in my Sindy family.
The two dolls on the left are wearing outfits that I sewed from an old Simplicity pattern from 1977. The black Sindy, and the brunette ballerina, I acquired from e-bay auctions. Oh yes, and the second Sindy from the left was once a blonde with a butchered `do. I re-rooted her hair, boil permed it and gave her a rockin' afro. She is also wearing a head scarf: I was aiming for a kind of late-60s, -early 70s Biba style.

So, that's the deal for now. This weekend, I aim to finish a doll that I am making for my aunt Vanda who lives in Italy, and to work on a calico teddy (or puppy - haven't decided) doll that I'm designing.

`Still loving the mp3 player. New favourite band - Gogol Bordello

Have a beautiful day!


At 4/08/2006 1:16 a.m., Blogger Andrea Martell said...

Hi Juliana. I think both your doll, and the bag you made are beautiful! You have a lot of talent!


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